Tag: admissions


by on Jun.09, 2011, under general

Just returned from the IvyPlus conference, which this year was held at Yale. Lots of admissions folks from the Ivies (“plus” Stanford & MIT) were there.

Great panels, great food, and lots of learning. One of the most persistent threads was the difficulty in the present environment with so much mania over the high app counts to selective universities, and the strains that places not only one our processes and time but on our psyches.

But I was fundamentally reassured by the good people who were there. Lots of folks I spoke with were very intelligent, talented individuals, who could be doing (or had previously done) any number of things but had committed themselves to this work because they thought it important. That was a nice, validating experience to have.

More thoughts on IvyPlus to come on the MITAdmissions blog; and, if you haven’t had the opportunity to check it out lately, I’m somewhat proud of my Life is Improv post 🙂

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