Tim Harvey Is On The Internet

by on Nov.17, 2010, under general

One of my oldest, dearest friends, Timothy Harvey, now has a website.

Tim is an industrial design student at UIUC, focusing on sustainability. His portfolio includes BioGrow:

As part of the 2010 International E-Waste Competition sponsored by the University of Illinois, four classmates and I sought to address the issues of e-waste and the continued dependence on fossil fuel. The product we ended up designing, known as Bio-Grow, is a photobioreactor used to cultivate algae for eventual processing into biofuel. As per the rules of the competition, it was created using electronic waste that would otherwise be thrown away.

Bio-Grow went on to win second place in the technical/”geek” category of the competition. As pleasing as result as this was for our team, Bio-Grow would then go on to exceed our highest expectations. It ended up being featured on numerous websites, a list of which can be seen here.

Tim is a talented designer, a smart man, and a good friend.

So, Internet, if you need a talented designer, drop him a line!

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