is Amazing
by chris on May.18, 2010, under general
Update: visitors, welcome – and read YourOpenBook – And How To Close It
What is Openbook?Openbook draws attention to the information Facebook makes public about its users via its search API. Facebook exposed this service on April 21st, 2010.
Our goal is to get Facebook to restore the privacy of this information, so that this website and others like it no longer work.
And they may have a better shot at their goal than anyone else. YourOpenBook just draws status updates (and gender) from Facebook’s public firehose.
I don’t feel comfortable posting screenshots because it makes me feel sick and complicit. But you have to go try it for yourself. It’s sickening and fascinating.
Perhaps more importantly: it’s proof positive that Facebook users don’t understand their privacy preferences. Try searching “openbook” and you’ll see people posting about how they discovered their profiles were open by laughing at folks on the site and then seeing their own statuses pop up.